Tasty Tarot Logo.png
tarot image.png

Tasty Tarot is a love letter to the many foods that I've enjoyed from around the world. My goal is to celebrate the people and the diverse cultures from where these dishes originate. I also want to spotlight culinary icons that have shaped the way we experience food, cooking, and culture, in addition to poke fun at the little daily joys of home cooking. 

This series of work wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for all the chefs that pour their hearts and souls into making these delicious cuisines.

Through this project, I want to give back to the restaurant community - from professional chefs to family cooks - that makes the foods featured in this deck, as well as to help those who fight for a more equitable and food-secure world for all.

Join me on my journey of completing this deck by following my Instagram @tasty.tarot